Freddy and Teddy are Back to Separate Fact from Fiction

Guess who’s back? That’s right, our good friends Fake Freddy and Truthful Teddy! Created by the FPI team in early 2019, they are the faces of an ongoing social media campaign designed to separate fact from fiction.

To refresh your memory, single-use foodservice packaging was getting a lot of media attention and not all of it was completely accurate. FPI developed a “Myths vs Facts” resource to combat all the wrong information floating around. This morphed into Freddy and Teddy, who were created to help set the record straight on all things single-use foodservice packaging.

Fake Freddy is a know-it-all who takes the things he hears at face value and does his best to spread the word — even if his information isn’t accurate.

Freddy’s buddy, Truthful Teddy, is more even-keeled and always on the lookout for the truth. He does his research to make sure he’s not spreading false information!

While these buds have been on a hiatus, they’re ready to come back and talk more about foodservice packaging. Starting in September, you can keep an eye out for their comeback on FPI’s Facebook and Instagram pages where they’ll be sharing, and correcting, some of the most widely known myths about foodservice packaging.

Freddy and Teddy will revisit everything from foodservice packaging’s impact on litter and marine debris, to the materials used in foodservice packaging. They’ll also look at how we dispose of foodservice packaging — what can be recycled or composted and how.

Armed with new and updated resources, along with plenty of “misinformation” to correct, it’s our hope that Freddy and Teddy can share useful information in a fun and engaging way, whether you’re in the foodservice packaging industry or you’re just a general consumer who likes knowing about the products used in everyday life.

We want this to be comprehensive. So if you’ve heard any pieces of misinformation and would like Freddy and Teddy to set the record straight, please send it over. Come follow along as Fake Freddy and Truthful Teddy set the record straight on foodservice packaging and don’t forget to like, share and/or comment!

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