FPI’s Spring 2025 Conference in America’s Finest City is Coming Soon!

Get ready for an unforgettable experience at the FPI Spring 2025 Conference! Taking place at the beautiful Rancho Bernardo Inn in San Diego, this premier event brings together leaders in the foodservice packaging industry for insightful discussions, valuable networking opportunities, and the latest industry updates.

This year’s conference debuts a revamped format designed to make the most of attendees’ time. We’re featuring a streamlined agenda filled with informative sessions and engaging events tailored to the industry’s evolving needs.

Our packed program includes the following:

  • Technomic’s Latest Packaging Trends Report: Stay ahead of the curve with insights from this highly anticipated report.
  • 2025 Consumer Perceptions Survey: Discover how consumers view foodservice packaging products.
  • Live Consumer Panel: Gain first-hand insights directly from consumers themselves—back by popular demand!
  • California Restaurant Association Update: Learn about key updates and trends impacting the state’s restaurant industry.
  • Legislative and Regulatory Updates: Stay informed about the latest policy changes affecting the industry.

Our popular golf tournament has moved to Wednesday afternoon (previously Thursday afternoon) and will be held at the stunning Rancho Bernardo Inn Golf Club. Whether you’re a golf pro or just out for fun, this friendly competition is the perfect way to connect with peers while enjoying San Diego’s beautiful scenery.

Meetings for the Foam Recycling Coalition (FRC), Paper Recovery Alliance/Plastics Recovery Group (PRA/PRG), and the Paper Cup Alliance (PCA) will also take place during the conference. Interested in learning more about these groups? Don’t miss these insightful sessions!

For more information, including registration, golf tournament details, program outline, and hotel reservations, visit the conference website today!

We can’t wait to see you at the FPI Spring 2025 Conference!

Increasing Foodservice Packaging Recycling with FPI’s Community Partnership Program

Imagine a world where your morning coffee cup, last night’s takeaway containers or pizza box doesn’t end up as waste but instead finds a new life through recycling or composting. For many communities across the U.S., this vision is becoming a reality through the Foodservice Packaging Institute’s Community Partnership Program. This ongoing initiative is focused on expanding curbside recycling access for foodservice packaging products, like paper and plastic cups, containers, pizza boxes and paper bags.

Whether you’re an eco-conscious resident or a municipal leader striving to improve your community’s sustainability, this program is a valuable tool in the effort to curb waste and increase recycling.

More communities are recognizing the value of recovering foodservice packaging. However, the acceptance of these materials varies depending on local resources, recycling facilities and community engagement. This means communities must carefully evaluate their ability to add these materials to curbside programs.

For instance, in a city of about 250,000 people, roughly 3,000 tons of foodservice packaging, such as cups, containers, and boxes, are generated each year. The majority—about 75%—is fiber-based (e.g., pizza boxes and paper bags). If the city set an initial annual recovery rate of just 10%, that would equate to 300 tons of recyclable material, with approximately 230 tons being paper and 70 tons being plastic. This initial goal is both realistic and impactful.

Achieving these results requires the right infrastructure, partnerships and education — a trifecta the FPI Community Partnership Program is uniquely designed to support.

The program’s goal is to assist communities in integrating foodservice packaging into their curbside recycling or composting systems. By partnering with vetted municipalities, the program creates models of success that can inspire and guide other regions as they adopt similar practices. The ultimate goal? To make it the norm to see foodservice packaging collected in curbside recycling programs across the nation.

Since its inception, the program’s impact has been striking. Recycling access for foodservice packaging has grown from 547,000 households in 2017 to nearly 7 million households in 2023. This surge represents not just increased access but a rising shift in community mindset about the value of recovering these materials.

Communities partnering with FPI enjoy resources and support to make their recycling programs successful. Here’s how FPI sets communities up for success when adding foodservice packaging recovery programs:

Stakeholder outreach and alignment. FPI collaborates with essential stakeholders, including materials recovery facilities (MRFs), haulers, end markets, composters, and community leaders. This ensures that all pieces of the recycling ecosystem are aligned and equipped to handle food service packaging.

Data collection and analysis. Before and after the program launches, FPI helps communities collect data on the composition of the recycling stream and other program parameters. This allows municipalities to track progress, measure success, and identify areas for improvement.

 Communication and education support. Education is critical to any recycling effort, and FPI doesn’t leave this to chance. The program includes a strong communications component to educate residents about which materials can — and can’t — be recycled or composted. This clarity reduces contamination in recycling streams and improves overall program outcomes.

Grant funding opportunities. Selected communities participating in the program may qualify for grant funding, which can be used to refresh and expand resident education initiatives. This funding ensures community members are well-informed about new recycling additions, driving higher participation and success rates.

Seventeen communities—including major cities like Atlanta, Detroit, Tulsa, Chicago and Washington, D.C. — have received funding from this program. These cities serve as models for what’s possible when foodservice packaging is integrated into recycling systems.

One example is Atlanta, where collaboration between FPI, local leaders and MRF operators resulted in expanded recycling capabilities. Now, 10 municipalities, including 350,000 area residents, can recycle paper cups through their community curbside recycling program. Initiatives like these demonstrate the scalability and adaptability of the program, paving the way for more cities to follow suit.

For municipal leaders, the first step is exploring the feasibility of adding foodservice packaging to your curbside program. Partnering with FPI provides access to the technical expertise, funding support and educational resources needed to ensure a smooth rollout and continued success.

For eco-conscious residents, your role is equally important. Stay informed about what can be recycled in your community, participate in recycling efforts and advocate for programs like the Community Partnership Program. Your voice can influence local leaders to explore the adoption of more sustainable practices.

Cities across the nation are already increasing their recovery options. Could yours be next? We know that together, we can turn small changes — like recycling your morning coffee cup—into a big impact.

 Interested in bringing foodservice packaging recycling to your community? Learn more about FPI’s Community Partnership Program and how to get started.

It’s the Holiday Season, Give the Plates a Break!

As we enter the peak of the holiday season, many people are preparing for festive gatherings and shared meals. A big part of these preparations includes what? The way in which you’ll serve your guests. Cooking for a crowd or having a catered event? Is it time to lug out the holiday dishes and glassware? Or is it time to give everyone a break, while keeping things clean and sanitary?

This holiday season, consider using single-use foodservice packaging to serve guests:

  • You don’t need to worry about anyone breaking dishes or glasses. Foodservice packaging means no chipped or broken crockery and glassware that can cause cuts and scratches — and no risk of shattering!
  • It’s safe and sanitary. Foodservice packaging comes clean and ready to go, reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses or infectious diseases. Don’t worry about how efficient your dishwasher might be and use single-use serving options.
  • It helps save water and resources. Using single-use options means there’s no consumption of water and energy resources to wash all those dishes, cups and cutlery — save resources and your time!
  • Guests are easily able to carry food and beverages while mingling. Single-use foodservice packaging is lightweight and compact but sturdy, making it easy to enjoy food and beverages while on the go.
  • Keeps food and beverages at their desired temperature. Serving soup, coffee or hot toddies? Single-use packaging can offer excellent insulation to keep your hot foods and beverages hot and your cold foods and beverages cold.

When considering the use of foodservice packaging at your next holiday party, know that the foodservice packaging industry is committed to reducing the impact of its products on the environment and is dedicated to making sure these items are recycled or composted instead of littered. Instead of throwing everything in the trash, check with your local municipality to see what can be recycled or composted.

The plates deserve a break this holiday season, and so do you! Foodservice packaging can help accomplish this. Happy holidays from FPI!

The Need for Speed

The need for speed. No, we’re not talking about Top Gun.

If 2023 was marked by a noticeable slowdown, 2024 has been about the need for speed. The pressures weighing on the foodservice packaging industry are seen in several ways when examining this year’s trends.

These pressures highlight the need to progress. And faster. This is all evident in FPI’s 2024 Trends Report.

Sustainability and the principles of sustainable packaging aren’t new, and haven’t been a “trend” in over a decade. But, this year there’s a growing sense of urgency around packaging sustainability and the justification or rationalization of choices made in this space has become a trend. No longer a “nice to have” or a “good for the environment”  option, sustainable packaging has become a required, if not regulated, part of doing business.

Companies that set 2025 packaging goals are now feeling the pressure and re-evaluating plans. It’s not a simple process to transition entire systems with numerous stakeholders and considerations. It’s complex and time-consuming, demanding careful planning and realistic timelines — not schedules accelerated by new legislation with increased pressure.

The pressure’s not all bad, particularly in the drive toward innovation. New, innovative materials and products help sustainability goals look new and fresh. Some notable changes include new coatings for fiber items that can be reheated in the container later and shifting away from color additives in favor of “natural” colored resin to help with end-of-life recyclability. Due to customer commitments and regulatory requirements, responses also show that the use of post-consumer recycled content continues to grow. We don’t expect this trend to slow down any time soon.

Legislative and regulatory changes are drawing attention toward packaging materials. As extended producer responsibility laws are implemented in several U.S. states, both foodservice operators and packaging manufacturers are contending with confusing — and often conflicting — approaches and targets. It may not be widespread but we are seeing a greater focus on reusable items for dining at restaurants, event venues and school foodservice programs which may be tied to regulatory pressures and customer demand.

Adding to the pressure is the increased complexity of packaging choices and their potential consequences. Packaging has to perform at an acceptable price point in a down market so what attributes become most important? Do companies switch portfolios from paper to plastics, plastics to paper, look at compostability, recyclability? All of the above?

New this year is the number of mentions related to increased imports. It’s clear this is a topic on the minds of much of the U.S. and Canadian marketplace — from finished goods across multiple substrates to a rise in imported machinery. A rise in imports has increased pressure on the industry to compete with imported products and equipment and the rise in imported machinery has led to anecdotes of lower costs and shorter lead times for domestic equipment.

Responses also show the continued trend of mergers, acquisitions and consolidation leading to tighter competition in the industry. More pressure.

On the flip side, automation in manufacturing has helped increase production and offset labor costs. Foodservice operators have embraced automation to combat labor shortages and work within smaller stores that only serve via drive-thru and delivery. This automation has even expanded into vending machines at airports and train stations.

Showing signs of policy and recovery aligning, respondents reported that sustainable options are still in demand from operators — even when economic factors are increasing prices. Reusable packaging is a focus for some and operator respondents are now “taking a second look” at the end-of-life pathway for packaging products, knowing that recycling and composting each have their own challenges and opportunities.

It’s clear the foodservice packaging industry will continue to face pressure but we view these challenges as opportunities to drive progress — and fast.

Now in its 16th year, our Trends Report is a snapshot into what the industry is seeing. Each year we collect opinions from companies throughout the foodservice packaging supply chain, including raw material and machinery suppliers, packaging manufacturers, distributors and operators. We take those insights and direct comments and compile them into a lengthy report. Our analysis is based on those submissions, as well as our own general industry observations.

Join Us A Mile Up for the FPI Fall 2024 Conference!

Now is the perfect time to plan ahead for the next big industry event—the FPI Fall 2024 Conference! Taking place on October 24-25 in the heart of Denver, Colorado, at the historic Brown Palace, this conference will bring together key players in the foodservice packaging industry for two days of insightful discussions and networking opportunities.

Why Attend?

This year’s conference will address some of the most pressing topics affecting the industry, providing you with the insights needed to stay ahead in this fast-evolving sector:

  • State of the Industry: How is the foodservice packaging industry performing as we head into 2025?
  • Regulatory Changes: New regulations are constantly being introduced—find out what’s on the horizon
  • Raw Materials Update: Get the latest on paper, plastics, and aluminum supply chains and what you need to know moving forward.
  • Panel: Communicating the value of materials recovery

In addition to these key discussions, the Paper Recovery Alliance/Plastics Recovery Group (PRA/PRG) and the Paper Cup Alliance will be holding their annual meetings at the conference.

Important Dates

Don’t wait too long to register—early-bird registration and discounted hotel rates are available until October 1. After that, rates will increase, so take advantage of the savings by signing up now!

For more details, including registration, the program outline, and hotel reservation information, visit the conference website.

Hope to see you in Denver!

Freddy and Teddy are Back to Separate Fact from Fiction

Guess who’s back? That’s right, our good friends Fake Freddy and Truthful Teddy! Created by the FPI team in early 2019, they are the faces of an ongoing social media campaign designed to separate fact from fiction.

To refresh your memory, single-use foodservice packaging was getting a lot of media attention and not all of it was completely accurate. FPI developed a “Myths vs Facts” resource to combat all the wrong information floating around. This morphed into Freddy and Teddy, who were created to help set the record straight on all things single-use foodservice packaging.

Fake Freddy is a know-it-all who takes the things he hears at face value and does his best to spread the word — even if his information isn’t accurate.

Freddy’s buddy, Truthful Teddy, is more even-keeled and always on the lookout for the truth. He does his research to make sure he’s not spreading false information!

While these buds have been on a hiatus, they’re ready to come back and talk more about foodservice packaging. Starting in September, you can keep an eye out for their comeback on FPI’s Facebook and Instagram pages where they’ll be sharing, and correcting, some of the most widely known myths about foodservice packaging.

Freddy and Teddy will revisit everything from foodservice packaging’s impact on litter and marine debris, to the materials used in foodservice packaging. They’ll also look at how we dispose of foodservice packaging — what can be recycled or composted and how.

Armed with new and updated resources, along with plenty of “misinformation” to correct, it’s our hope that Freddy and Teddy can share useful information in a fun and engaging way, whether you’re in the foodservice packaging industry or you’re just a general consumer who likes knowing about the products used in everyday life.

We want this to be comprehensive. So if you’ve heard any pieces of misinformation and would like Freddy and Teddy to set the record straight, please send it over. Come follow along as Fake Freddy and Truthful Teddy set the record straight on foodservice packaging and don’t forget to like, share and/or comment!

Don’t Let Summer Be a Bummer. Make It a Sensible One!

Summer is officially here!  Many of us have been breaking out those picnic blankets, beach chairs, coolers and backpacks to enjoy the great outdoors. As you do so, here are a few things to remember when you bring along those much-needed refreshments:

  • Play it safe – insulate. What’s the number one rule in food safety? Keep your hot foods hot and cold foods cold. That’s exactly what foodservice packaging was designed to do. Make sure the packaging you use to transport your foods and beverages have good insulation properties. Keep in mind what foods you’re taking with you and how much time those foods will be in the packaging – that’ll help you figure out what types of packaging are needed.
  • Conserve water. The start of summer also unfortunately means the start of drought season for many. One of the advantages to single-use foodservice packaging is that you don’t need to waste water on washing your glasses and dishes after you’ve used them. So, save the water and use single-use during the summer. Your local water authority will thank you!
  • Make it easier on yourself. OK, could you bring along some reusable (and potentially breakable) dinnerware, cutlery and tumblers for your outing? Um, of course, yes. But imagine how much extra weight that adds to your already too heavy cooler or backpack? Give yourself a break and pack the lighter weight alternative. Your back will thank you!
  • Be vigilant: Yes, foodservice packaging is light weight, making it convenient to transport, but it’s also then easier for it to get away from you. If you’re outside – especially on a beach – be sure you don’t let anything – foodservice packaging or otherwise – blow away.
  • Think before you toss. It’s time to wrap up and go home. What’s left to do? Make sure you dispose of your used packaging responsibly. Hopefully you brought with you foodservice packaging that can be either recycled or composted. Look for the proper bin – don’t just mindlessly toss it in the trash. And, don’t be one of those people that stuff their items in an overly-filled bin. This is a recipe for litter – unintended or not – and that’s no good. Look for another bin, or just bring it home and dispose there. That’s certainly a better option than trashing the Earth.

So, go enjoy your summer, with the help of foodservice packaging!

Optimism Returns Despite Ongoing Challenges

It’s hard to believe it but 2024 marks the 25th annual State of the Industry Report. Throughout the years of producing this report, we’ve seen a lot of different perspectives, especially with the pandemic and economic uncertainty influencing the past few years. This year we seemed to see the industry come to the consensus of cautious optimism — despite continued inflation, many in the industry see a market that’s rebounding.

We get this snapshot every year during the first quarter by sending out the State of the Industry survey to FPI members as well as non-members within the industry. This gives us the viewpoint of folks we don’t always hear from, and it provides non-member participants a chance to view the report. Most importantly, it tells us what the industry thinks when looking back at 2023 and ahead to 2024.

This year, the report truly highlights the fact that the industry is just as cautiously optimistic as the FPI staff. Only 34% of foodservice packaging manufacturers and suppliers experienced growth in volume, compared to 60% in the previous survey. This is demonstrated in profit growth with more than 60% worsening or staying the same in 2023 compared to 2022. Highlighting the optimism, nearly 60% of the industry expect volume expansion and 77% expect profits to grow or remain the same. Foodservice operator respondents saw increased sales and were optimistic that this trend would continue in 2024.

In yet another sign that the market is stabilizing, nearly 40% of the North American manufacturers respondents reported another year of planned corporate expansion primarily through expansion of current facilities, an increase over 2023. Consistent with previous years, 60% of North American converter respondents plan to purchase machinery in 2024.

While long noted as an area of opportunity, chain quick-service restaurants are now seen by survey respondents as one of the greatest areas for market expansion, followed closely by perennial favorite, the fast casual segment. This is due in part to the convenience of being able to eat foods on-the-go or away from home. Grocery stores and convenience stores are also noted as opportunities for market expansion because of increased foodservice options. As always, convenience was noted as an influence across all market segments.

It’s really encouraging to see a wave of optimism coursing through the foodservice packaging industry, in spite of a challenging few years. Our industry is finding pathways to growth and expansion while showcasing the resilience and adaptability at its core.

We’d like to thank the organizations that participated in this year’s survey. If you haven’t participated before, but are eligible (raw material or machinery supplier, converter, foodservice operator or foodservice distributor), please think about participating next year. We realize it’s a time commitment on your end, but the survey is meaningful because of your responses. If you’d like more information or would like to be on our list for next year, let us know.

Making the Case for FPI’s Spring 2024 Conference: May 1-3

People sometimes ask us why they should attend one of our conferences. There are so many reasons – one of which is that this is the only North American conference event focused solely on foodservice packaging! If you are in the industry, you need to be here!

FPI staff are always hard at work, focusing on the hottest topics affecting our industry for our spring and fall conferences. Our spring conference is right around the corner. Why attend this one? We are sure you will want to join us in Destin, Florida for this one. It’s a great location with a great program!

We’ll be discussing environmental marketing claims and EPR/producer responsibility issues. We’ll hear about foodservice packaging trends in the UK and how that affects us here. Legislative and regulatory issues keeping you up at night? Come hear the latest updates! Our expert speakers will provide valuable insights and strategies to navigate these crucial areas.

Our best networking event at our spring conferences! Participate in our tournament and enjoy a day of friendly competition on the beautiful Links Course! This is a fantastic opportunity to network in a relaxed setting, while also showcasing your golf skills.

Are you a member of FPI’s recovery groups? The Foam Recycling Coalition (FRC) and Paper Recovery Alliance/Plastics Recovery Group (PRA/PRG) will hold meetings at the conference. Want to learn more about FPI’s recovery groups? Click here!

We believe your presence will add immense value to our conference. Visit the conference website for more information including registration, program outline, and hotel reservation information.

Not a member of FPI? Reach out to us and find out about our potential member program!

If you’re thinking about it, don’t wait too long! The early-bird registration and discounted hotel rates end April 8!

We hope to see you in Destin!
